Monday, January 28, 2008

Ten Things to Consider When Purchasing Wedding Rings

There are some basic principles that can be applied to any jewelry purchase, but since wedding rings are special there are extra shopping tips to follow. When buying your wedding ring, you must consider jewelry buying basics, for example ,when buying wedding rings you must buy a band capable of lasting for years. Read the 10 commandments below to help you find, purchase and take care of your wedding rings.

1) Choose Your Metal and Style

This might be the only piece of jewelry you will buy together and wear forever, so take the time to talk about what you want and can agree on. Do you want white or gold metal? You want yellow gold, because it will match the bulk of your other jewelry, but your husband-to-be is also wanting to match the white metal of his watch, so what do you do? It's simple, compromise and search for rings that have a mixture of both yellow and white gold to please you both. Once you decide your metal, you should think about how elaborate you want your rings. WIll you want gems or diamonds?

2) Budgeting is Key

The plainest of gold bands runs around $125 to $200 per band, and ones of more precious metals, like platinum, are closer to $400 or $600 per band. The Diamond Information Center reports the average cost of a band is $742. When you engrave the inside of your wedding band it can cost between $1-8 per character, depending on which font you pick and what method you pick for engraving.

3) Make Time

Don't wait too long. You should start looking for wedding bands at least two months before the big day. Take time and look for your ring and reconsider all your options. If you are considering a custom piece you will want to allow even more time. It can take as much as 30 days to have a piece engraved.

4) Think Practical and Keep Your Lifestyle In Mind

There's no point in buying a beautiful ring that doesn't feel good on your finger or that you're going to feel you need to remove. You need to remember that you will wear this band everyday. You should try to pick a ring that fits into your life without disruption. Try to avoid wide chunky bands if you lead an active lifestyle instead opt for a thinner band. If you work with your hands, you may want to consider a simple design, rather than a diamond engagement ring that will continually trap dirt. If certain metals or combinations of metals irritate your skin, spend the money and buy platinum rings. The fact that it is hypoallergenic for the average person, due to its purity, makes it a good choice.

5)Do the 20 Year Test

When choosing your ring, don't be afraid to step outside the box, but make sure whatever you choose is something that you'll love for years to come.

6) Choosing the Right Size

Note that most people don't take their wedding bands off, even through summers, winters, exercise, pregnancies, or menstruation, all of which make fingers swell and contract from heat, cold, water retention and weight gain - so be smart, think about the size for all conditions.

7) Know the Quality

It cannot be emphasised enough - with all rings, check for quality! On the inside of the ring, the shank, there should be some markings. There should be a manufacturer's trademark, a sponsors symbol, the mineral content in fineness and finally which metal - gold, silver or platinum. Make sure it has these markings. If two or more metals were used in the construction of the ring, there needs to be a quality mark for each one.

8) Cleaning Guidelines

You can clean your wedding rings easily. To clean a ring that has no stones, simply rub it with a soft and lint-free cloth, such as chamois. You can remove tarnish with a solution of soap, water with a few drops of ammonia. Dip a brush into the solution then gently brush the ring. Making sure the drain plug is used, rinse the ring, then dry with a soft cloth. With warm soapy water brush your ring and stones with a soft brush, rinse and dry with a cloth

9) Protect Your Jewelry

You should use care when wearing finger-hugging valuables such as platinum! You can do things to reduce damage to your ring. Don't wear your ring whilst you are doing rough work or sports as they can nick and scratch it, and don't wear your ring whilst using chemicals such as concentrated chlorine (found in bleaches, cleaners and swimming pool disinfectants) as they can cause pitting or discoloration. Matte finishes show scratches much more than rough finishes, and platinum, which is much softer than gold, scratches and nicks more easily. Fortunately, it's simple for your jeweler to restore you ring to its original splendor by reapplying or changing its finish and/or plating.

10) Wear Your Jewelry

Don't take your ring off because it is easier to lose than you might think. When buying your ring, make sure it's something you won't need to remove very often if at all. Have a designated place where you always put your ring when you need to remove it for some reason, and keep it out of your pockets and away from sinks. A cat can help a ring end up down the drain. Removing your ring while you're traveling is the most dangerous time to do so. It's when you're traveling that you're most likely to set down, lose or forget your ring. The insurance industry states that you have the highest chance of damaging or losing your wedding rings during the first year that you own them.

Tiffany L'orfevre is a retired jewelry store owner and has advised many people about wedding rings as this is a significant purchase decision for many people. When looking for Los Angeles jewelry, she highly recommends Bridal Rings, a Los Angeles jeweler for 25 years. They have an excellent selection of high quality designer wedding rings and bridal ring sets at deep discount pricing.

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