Monday, January 28, 2008

Contemporary and ancient jewelry art which is best?

Since humans first thought of decorating their bodies, there have been lots of interesting ideas. First of all, they thought of painting their bodies, which has led to the tattoo industry in present days, and afterwards they tried to manufacture various objects to wear.

The materials used for their production have evolved from wood, stones and bones to silver, gold and gemstones. The people that still design and produce such ornaments today can be categorized in two large groups: the ones that create contemporary pieces, and the ones that still follow ancient jewelry art.

But which one suits you best? Every opinion is subjective and each person makes a purchase according to their tastes. In order to make your decision as easy as possible, we'll try to elaborate on the features of each form of jewelry art.

First of all, contemporary jewelry art focuses mainly on appearances. The bolder and more sophisticated the design is, the more appealing that piece of jewelry is thought to be. The materials used for the manufacturing process now include some synthetic materials like acrylic or nylon, apart from the usual precious metals. Any criticism regarding the aspects would be out of place, but the designs do not appeal to everyone.

On the other hand ancient jewelry art uses various techniques and shapes from times long forgotten. These representations carry a lot of significance, given the fact that they were used in some cultures with a religious inclination.

Another benefit of ancient jewelry art pieces is their mysterious effect. Since they were once used for a purpose like warding off evil thoughts or for protection, there may be more to these pieces of jewelry than what meets the eye. For strong believers, these symbolic representations may play an important role in their lives, improving it in more ways than one.

Some people purchase these pieces of jewelry for healing purposes. All the energy flows that come with a particular shape may help a person feel better on different levels, like health or emotional. But belief is very important, because if you don't believe in it, it won't work.

Some of the shapes used in jewelry for healing designs are the Flower of Life, the Merkaba and many more. The Flower of Life, found in all religions around the world, and the Merkaba, a three dimensional Star of David, are known symbols that have healing and protective powers.

There are lots of other symbols found represented in jewelry for healing purposes. The final products should be submitted to an energizing process consistent of meditation and handcrafting. The energy and commitment of the manufacturer are thus passed on to the jewelry pieces, making the effects stronger.

If you are interested in purchasing jewelry for healing, as well as protection, unity or self balance, be sure to visit All the products follow the path presented afore, so you will purchase a fine piece of jewelry that will last a lifetime.

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