Saturday, February 9, 2008

Gemstones - The Crowning Glory Of Ornaments

Gemstones need no formal introduction when it comes to evaluating how much they were defining man's beautifying techniques. Gemstone jewelry has always played a key role in making the humans look more glamorous since time immemorial. You may have as many bracelets, necklaces and finger rings of pure gold and platinum as desired, but unless you had had a couple of them studded with gemstones, the desire of having an impressive collection of jewelry items will go unfulfilled. Men and women have always craved for owning the ornaments like gemstone rings as a result, to display out their possession of power and wealth.

Gemstones, also called gems, are basically mineral parts that are cut and polished to look charming and be available for inserting inside ornaments. Some organic compounds and non-minerals like amber are also treated as gemstones by the ornament manufacturers. Gemstones are classified according to their chemical composition, crystalline structure and the original forms they were found in; the phrase habit stands for the last of these three categories. Hard brilliant diamonds, for example, are made of carbon (C), and soothing red rubies of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) as per their chemical analysis. In the same way, different stones may have different crystalline formations as per their physical mapping, such as a cubic or a trigonal one. Some diamonds, originally found in the nature as octahedrons, are treated to have cubic crystalline formations for the sake of making specific industrial usage, thus transforming their basic physical state, the habit.

Gemstones have to go through many procedures before being inducted into ornaments. They are heated, irradiated, waxed and filled up with oil, apart from being targeted with several other techniques to gather lasting effects. Some of these treatments may last permanently while others may fade out with time, thus deciding how much value they should add to the resulting gemstone jewelry. Gemstones are basically either cut and polished into cabochons or faceted structures, depending on their physical properties. Stones that are opaque such as turquoise, variscite, opal, etc are normally cut and polished into dome shaped forms called cabochons, while those with transparent characters are made to look multi-faceted. One can always select to buy ornaments such as gemstone rings studded with either of the two kinds of stones.

The reason given for not cutting and polishing the opaque gems into multi-faceted ones is their lack of ability to showcase interiors. Apart from that, hardness does also play out a key role in deciding what shape any stone should finally have as gemstone jewelry. Normally, less hard stones are prone to getting more scratched compared to the harder ones, hence providing them with a dome like shape lessens the chance of those scratches being picked up visually. These aspects usually guide the way gemstone jewelry was manufactured across the globe.

There is a vast market available for the synthetically produced gemstones and their ornaments as well. They are generally valued just a fraction of what the naturally made gemstone jewelry might usually cost. These stones may have similar optical properties to their original counter parts on occasions, but may vary in terms of physical and chemical properties in a substantial manner. So, you should decide in advance the nature of stones you may wish to wear before stepping inside any jewelry showroom the next time, as there may be dozens of styles and price tags to choose from in various categories of the gemstone rings, necklaces and bracelets that you might get to look at.

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